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very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 10/05/2009 by lisa

Hi, i have a hermann who is 10 months old, i am very new to keeping tortoises so always worried anyway did as much research as poss before getting "Billy-Jo" he has outside enclosure for when its warm enough and a table top enclosure indoors with at the moment a 60w bulb for warmth, he eats dandelions and sometimes cucumber and am growing my weed seeds as we speak, he seems to wee an poo normal , i have had him for 4 weeks but my problem is is that he hides under a log in his enclosure and doesn't come out unless i put him under lamp he will stay there( under his log ) all day if i let him is this normal, am so worried he just seems listless am i doing something wrong? Please help me

Re: very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 10/05/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Lisa,

May I ask how frequently you bath him please?

If he's from a pet-shop, it's usually advisable to take a stool sample to the vets to get it screened for worms.


Re: very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 10/05/2009 by lisa

Hi darren, i bath him every day and didn't get him from a pet shop i got him from a breeder in yeovil, would i know if he had worms and would that make him lethargic?

Re: very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 10/05/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi, Lisa

I'm sure you've probably got everything set up properly, but may I please ask:-
What the temp is under the basking lamp and also the cooler end of the enclosure?
How big is the table - is sufficient light getting to the end where he's taking cover to encourage him out?
Does the license have the breeder's name in Box 1 and does it have UK in the country of origin?

A heavy worm load can affect a tortoise's health. If everything is in order and he continues to be lethargic, I'd be inclined to take him to a good vet to have him checked over, including a stool sample screen.


Re: very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 11/05/2009 by lisa

The heat is 80f under basking lamp and 65f at the cool end he is in a guinea pig enclosure so quite big for him, but have just looked at hs license and he is imported which am not happy about but was bought as a present so what can i do, i think i will need to take a poo sample to the vets to see whats going on as don't like to see him so lethargic thanks for advice

Re: very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 11/05/2009 by tpgNina

Hi Lisa,

Good luck and let us know how you get on. Make it as fresh a sample as possible (you can keep it overnight in a sealed container in the fridge if necessary).


Re: very paranoid owner !!
Posted: 11/05/2009 by tpgNina

Also meant to say that you could try upping the temperature a little (bring the lamp down a little closer to the tortoise) until the it reaches 90Fe (and the cool end is about 70).



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