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Update on Grumpy Tort
Posted: 05/05/2009 by Row


Tetley has been under observation all weekend.  And the strange thing is when he is in his NEW outdoor enclosure he is bright, alert and very active. we only had 2 day of good weather this weekend so that was Friday & Saturday.  Then the rest of the weekend he was indoors and he was back to his grumpy and lathargic self.  Sunday he didn't even get up and thought he may have worn himself out from being out doors. Monday he got up basked, had his bath had his lunch and went straight to bed that was it.  Today was much the same as Monday.  I even put him on the floor which he normally loves (i know your not meant to but over the winter it was more exercise) but he just sits there, head only just peeking out.

I don't know what to do????????

Any help or advise is very much needed as this really isn't the Tetley I know and love.  He's just looks so so sad and sleepy.


Re: Update on Grumpy Tort
Posted: 05/05/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Row

Nothing to worry about, tortoises are outdoor creatures, and if Tetley is anything like mine, he tolerates being indoors, but being outside is his great love!  He has had a taste of the good life, and it sounds like he is sulking a bit a being inside againClick and drag me down to the editor This is a bit of an inbetween time for us tortoise keepers, we rush our tortoises outdoors at the first sight of sun, but have to bring them back in when the sun goes in and the temperatures drop again Click and drag me down to the editor Still according to the Met Office we are going to have a hot summer this year (yippeee!) and it isnt too far off now so Tetley and all the other tortoises will be in their element then.  Stick with it, just keep his baths up, and encourage him to bask when he is indoors

all the best

Arlene TPG

Re: Update on Grumpy Tort
Posted: 05/05/2009 by Row

Thanks Arlene. I'll keep and eye on him still but you have put my mind at rest a little. Before Tetley and Twiggy came along I didn't worry about a thing!  Alot changes when you get tortoises like admiring the weeds in peoples gardens rather than the flowers, constantently checking the weather not for hanging the washing out  but for the shelled ones!!!Click and drag me down to the editor

Wouldn't change it for the world though.

Click and drag me down to the editor Row

Re: Update on Grumpy Tort
Posted: 05/05/2009 by tpgadmin

I think I have just replied to this on another section and I agree I too think it is weather related, but if you are still worried Rowe do see the vet again.


Re: Update on Grumpy Tort
Posted: 05/05/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Row

Sorry, I hadnt seen the other thread about Tetley when I posted, and wasnt aware there were other issues with him, I totally agree with Helens comments, and while it may be weather related, if you are worried about him, please do see the vet again

all the best


Re: Update on Grumpy Tort
Posted: 07/07/2009 by Baybee-Bat

Percy does that too :) When he's been outside for most of the day or even had a scuttle around the house, when its time to go home he sulks and hides in his house. Sometimes for days!


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