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Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by Jemma

I went to my local reptile shop today and was horrified at the contitions all of their reptiles were being kept in. There were many lizards and snakes in glass boxes smaller than the length of my hand, in which they couldnt even turn round in. They had many breeds of tortoises of different sizes and ages, they were kept in tiny vivariums with the lights turned off in many of them. They were being fed strawberries, cabbage and cuecumber and looked very distressed. Some of the larger tortoises i noticed had extremely pyramided shells. I just wanted to take them all home :( Click and drag me down to the editor

I took some pictures of them, but i'm sure many of you will have seen it all before! Poor things Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jemma,

Can you load up the photos at all please?


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by Jemma

That was a quick reply!Click and drag me down to the editor  It doesn't seem to want to upload them onto here, i'll try in the members gallery.


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Jemma

Have you downsized your pictures first?  If they are too large it times you out and they won't upload.  The same applies in the members gallery.

Also if you have an apostrophe or and & in the file name it won't accept it either.  If you still experience difficulties send your pictures to me and I'll upload them for you.


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by Jemma

Thanks, i have uploaded them into the members gallery. The album is called 'bad reptile shop'


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by Jemma

There were many more vivs with tortoises in, and huge pythans in vivs in which they had to stay curled up in etc etc. I really did not like the place Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi Jemma, They are sad viewing indeed, but cleaner than some i have seen. If you want to you could e-mail us the address off list and we will add it to our 'to do' list to go and see:

many thanks,


Re: Poor things
Posted: 03/05/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Jemma
It really is upsetting isn't it, when you see those poor little helpless chaps?
A petshop where I live has them in the same conditions. I got in touch with Trading standards in hope that they would say that they could not trade, especially as the manager was telling perspective buyers that tortoises don't drink. Trading standards don't know anything about torts, but they did insist that water was put int the viv's. I notice from the photo's that you posted that they all have water, so under TS they are being cared for!!! so frustrating. TPG can anything be done, or do you think I was fobbed off by TS? Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Poor things
Posted: 05/05/2009 by Jemma

Oh no

I just went back to the shop today, and they have sold a lot of the tortoises that were there before, and had a load more come in. I saw better today what they were being fed, which was herbs such as parsley for the baby hermans, and cauliflower, carrots and dried pellets for all the rest. Also, i was woundering around the outside area, where garden chairs, statues, water fountains etc were being sold, and i came across a small square of turf about 2ft x 2ft  put inbetween the statues etc, with large tortoise and a whole cabbage for it to eat. It had bad pyramiding to its shell. It seemed as if it had come in and they realised it was too big for a viv, so thought where can we put this fella. Thinking of nothing but profit.

I am very worried about the welfare of all the reptiles in the shop.Click and drag me down to the editor Is there anything that could be done? I have a feeling everything will fall onto deaf ears.

I will try to attach a picture of the tortoise.


Re: Poor things
Posted: 05/05/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Jemma

This is a tropical leopard tortoise and it is much too cold for it to be outside for any length of time in this weather.  My leopards have been inside every bit of today - poor thing.  I can assure you that the TPG are taking note of all your comments.


Re: Poor things
Posted: 05/05/2009 by Jemma

I picked him up and he/ she was a heavy thing <g> Is it normal for leopards shells to look like this? I know many torotises are not meant to pyramid, but maybe some are? I really wanted to buy him and advertise him on here for a new, better home!! I just felt so angry in the shop.. grr!


Re: Poor things
Posted: 05/05/2009 by tpgadmin

Unfortunately it is very difficult to keep a leopard from pyramiding in captivity and although this is not good I have unfortunately seen a lot worse :-(

Certainly a cabbage diet will only lead to it to an increase in the pyramiding as leopards should have 70% grasses in their diet and 30% weeds minus the cabbage.


Re: Poor things
Posted: 05/05/2009 by tpgarlene

Hi Jemma

I dont keep leopards, but Helen is a very expereinced keeper, and Im sure I wont be wrong in saying, no they shouldnt be pyramided like this.

I really do know how you feel, but although I know it is really tempting,  if you buy this tortoise, the pet shop will just replace him with another Click and drag me down to the editor

Arlene TPG

Re: Poor things
Posted: 05/05/2009 by Jemma

:( Poor thing.. Thanks though everyone. I hope something gets done about this shop. But we all know its only 1 out of many offenders out there. Poor things :(


Re: Poor things
Posted: 09/05/2009 by Jemma

Any update?? Jemma

Re: Poor things
Posted: 10/05/2009 by vivtpgadmin

Hi Jemma, we will let you know as soon as we can, thanks for all your help.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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