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New articles added to the TPG website
Posted: 17/04/2009 by tpgNina

We've now added several new articles on breeding in captivity to the TPG

Just Click on The Tortoise in the left-hand column on this page, and then on Captive Breeding. This section now contains articles on Preparation for Breeding, The Gravid Tortoise, Making Your Own Incubator, Using Commercial Incubators, and Hatchling Complications, and there will be more to follow.

We hope that you will find this of interest, and also browse some of the other
material on the site. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Re: New articles added to the TPG website
Posted: 18/04/2009 by tortoise7


Just looked at the Gravid tortoise, it was  fascinating and really well explained. The images and layout  made it easy to understand.

Thank you

Re: New articles added to the TPG website
Posted: 21/04/2009 by

Hi Nina,

I have just read all your new info you have added regarding breeding etc...... and found it all really interesting and useful.

Well done you and many thanks.

Michelle x

Re: New articles added to the TPG website
Posted: 21/04/2009 by tpgNina

Thanks, Michelle! I'm glad you liked it -- and there's more to come.



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