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spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tobiesmum

enjoying the easter bank holiday we went to a  local wildlife centre/zoo and was delighted to see tortoises my daughter was telling everyone that she had one at home. was just a bit puzzled as one enclosure said spur thied and the other ones we saw had no sign, but they were chomping on cucucber, tomatoes and what looked like banana (i could be wrong on that as it was too mushy to tell). i only have a horsfield so am not up on the diets of other species but it didnt seem right. i read on one of the signs that they had been donated but i may have read it wrong. i dont remember seeing them last year. what do you think? i did take a pic of the tortoise on my camera phone and would be happy to send it to someone as i cant upload for some reason.

Re: spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tpgNina


It's always distressing to see animals being fed the wrong food. I suppose it is possible that the tortoise was a redfoot or yellowfoot, and they do have fruit as part of their diet, but it is more likely that the wrong food was being fed to a mediterranean tortoise. I'm afraid I am no good at all with uploading photos, but there are some instructions in the section called How to use the Forum (in the left-hand column, under TPG Members Forum). Maybe someone will come on later with better instructions.


Re: spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tobiesmum

have always had problems uploading. i can send it via multimedia as it is on my phone just so you can identify it.

Re: spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tpgadmin

I've just sent you  my phone number so you can send me the picture.


Re: spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tobiesmum

have sent you the pic helen, hope it comes through


Re: spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tpgadmin

Here it is and hopefully someone will ID it soon.  It does look like a med species to me that as you say shouldn't be fed fruit and veg.


Re: spur thied diet?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tpgadmin

It looks like a hermanns tortoise to me, but I'm not that great at IDing different med species.



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