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How old?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by minniechops

Re: How old?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by minniechops

I have been wondering for some time now if my two horsefield torts are between 1 and 2 years old. Can anyone help. They are 92 and 95 cm long.


Re: How old?
Posted: 13/04/2009 by tpgadmin

I have two horsfields that both hatched July 2006.  They are relatively large tortoises for Russians but their mother is a big girl weighing in at over 1600 gr., and their Straight Carapace Length, measured from underneath, is 8.5 and 9.0 cm.  I also have 1 Russian tortoise that hatched in June 2007 and its SCL is 6.5 cm.


Re: How old?
Posted: 09/08/2009 by acorn1

hiya i have a hermann who is about 7 in how old will he be

Re: How old?
Posted: 09/08/2009 by TPGDarren


It really depends on how quickly he has grown. My six year olds are still relatively small compared to some of the monsterous 2 year olds I've seen. The difference is the quality of growth. Is your tortoise quite smooth - have you any photos please?



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