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Solar power
Posted: 25/03/2009 by minniechops


My outdoor enclosure is an ongoing work in progress. I keep thinking of new ways to improve it. One of my biggest problems is not having electricity outside. Does anyone know of a way that I can rig up a solar panal to power a heat mat.

Re: Solar power
Posted: 25/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Good question Zoe and my reply to that is no Click and drag me down to the editor. BUT, wondered if you looked on the caravan accessories sites perhaps that might give you a few ideas. Please let us know if you do find a way. Many keepers use green houses or home made versions of them to generate heat outdoors in cooler days.



Re: Solar power
Posted: 25/03/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Zoe,

I don't know sorry.

Have you thought about incorporatng a cold frame in your outdoor enlosure, this will provide them with somewhere warmer to go and charge up their batteries.


Re: Solar power
Posted: 25/03/2009 by vivtpgadmin

I was thinking of going down the solar power route for my shed, here is a link I found that might be useful

If you find anything better please let us know.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Solar power
Posted: 26/03/2009 by minniechops

I had a look at the link and this is exactly the sort of thing I was thinking about, only £100 more expensive. Its a real shame that solar power is so expensive to set up. Will update everyone if i find anything.



Re: Solar power
Posted: 26/03/2009 by tpgNina

Thanks, Zoe! I don't have electricity outdoors eithe, and that would be a great solution for me too.


Re: Solar power
Posted: 30/03/2009 by Ozric

Hi all, I'm interested in using renewable energy outside too but there are quite a few problems.  It seems like an idea that should work, but for a heat mat or say a combined heat and UV bulb we need quite a lot of power and I suspect the device on the gonegardening link wouldn't be able.  Probably it can do low energy lighting only.  Although £127 looks like a lot for what you get, the efficiency of solar panels to produce electricity for this kind of money is poor.

I do have mains elecrticity outside.  It doesn't have to cost a huge amount depending on how far you need it to go.  I did a deal with the electrician and dug a hole and laid the pipe.  It was a quick job for him to stick a wire down it.

Re: Solar power
Posted: 30/03/2009 by Ozric

Hi, I meant also to say that the low efficiency of the batteries is a further problem, they also need thrown out eventually and it is very difficult to find anyone willing to take them to be disposed of responsibly.  Although all batteries are sold with a warning that they must not be thrown in the bin this is what we in the UK do with them as there is no alternative.  Sorry that's me off on a battery tangent now.

Re: Solar power
Posted: 30/03/2009 by tpgNina

Hi Ozric,

Do you not have a recycling centre at your local tip, or somewhere nearby? Our local tip has a special collection point for all kinds of batteries, so we just save them up and take them there when we're going.


Re: Solar power
Posted: 02/04/2009 by tpgadmin

We have been talking to the company that we use for all our plumbing requirements today and asked them about solar power.  If we move home (our house is up for sale) my husband would like a different approach to heating and lighting the torts sheds etc.  As well as my med torts I do have a number of leopard tortoises that need keeping warm throughout the year and the heating costs are extortionate.

We believe we know what we are hoping to do now in their new home when we finally move.  It would mean a large insulated shed for each of the different species, which would be attached to greenhouse, cold frames etc.  and the shed would have underfloor heating, radiators and central heating boiler with a back up of solar power. 

I've no idea of cost as yet, but we were making enquiries as to whether they could do this work and the response was positive.  They say they put in solar power energy all the time and not just in house roofs.  

It might be worth your while checking this out with your local plumbing companies.  I know initially it would be expensive to install, but hopefully it should pay for itself.



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