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Windy weather
Posted: 23/03/2009 by Shelbyville

Hi All

I realise that this could be a really stupid question but are torts ok outside when it's windy?

I have got my two outside today as it is mostly sunny with the occasional shower. The showers are only a bout 5 minutes long and then the sun comes back out but it's blowing a gale outside. My torts are only juveniles but they have a covered cold frame type area where they can retreat from the rain and warm up but do I need to consider the strength of the wind when putting them outside.


Re: Windy weather
Posted: 23/03/2009 by tobiesmum

dont know if it helps but i have a 3 year old horsfield and have not put her outside if it is too windy, i always thought the rule was if its too cold for you to go out with just a t-shirt its too cold for them,

Re: Windy weather
Posted: 23/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi Rachel, What Tobiesmum has said is good common sense. Regards the wind, just make sure nothing can blow down on top of them. The other thing I would do would be to take a few tempreture readings where your torts are. Often a wind can chill the sun and the temps. can plummet add to that a bit of rain which can also chill. I'd take the temp readings ASAP.



Re: Windy weather
Posted: 23/03/2009 by Shelbyville

Hi Elaine

When I put my torts out the temp was 17c in the cold frame part and when I decided to bring them in 10 mins ago it was 12.5c. I do not want to keep them indoors unesscessarily but also I don't want them to be out if it's not suitable. This is their first spring and i have only just started putting them outdoors in the past fortnight.


Re: Windy weather
Posted: 23/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Rachel, Even 20mins of sunshine is SO benificial for them so yo are doing right by allowing them as much access to outdoors as possible. In Kent we are having a heavy down pour of ice cold rain: mine are all indoors and would have loved a little windy sunshine!



Re: Windy weather
Posted: 23/03/2009 by marilyn

Hello Rachel,  No question about Torts is a stupid question, so don't worry.  I quess I feel that if the weather's not nice enough for me to sit out then it's not good enough for Toto .. He's my gorgeous little one.  I have only just adopted him so I am still learning what to do and what not to do.  Toto hasn't been out so far as he is only a baby... well, 18 months...but I quess once this cold spell is over I shall be taking him out for his first look at his garden... even if it's only for a short while while the sun's out.  Nice to chat to you.. love Marilyn. x


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