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help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by tobiesmum

hi, me again, was just checking daisy over for signs of ware and tare  and noticed a problem i think. not sure wot to do. im not up on the technical terms so bare with me please.

where the shell kind of fuses together at the back of her kneck there is a small piece of shell that sticks out, when she puts her head in out she is grazzing the back of her kneck on it, wot should i do???!!!!

Re: help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi, If it is just a ragged edge use an emery board and treat it like you were doing a manicure. Do it little and often. You could always put a plaster on the shell until the job is complete. Has she been ramming anything to cause the damage? Keep a close eye on the grazed area, aloe vera aids healing well if you have that plant.



Re: help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by tobiesmum

thanks for that have been trying to upload pics for the past hour but no luck. its like an extra piece shell about half a centimeter if not smaller, it sticks out between the sort of v of her shell, have put a plaster on it at

Re: help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

You could always send the picture to our contactus e-mail (click on the home page) then we can have a look and perhaps we can upload it that way.




Re: help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by tobiesmum

ok thanks will do it now, well will try anyway

Re: help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by tobiesmum

what is the email address, cant do it from the contact link, soz am so rubbish

Re: help needed
Posted: 13/03/2009 by tpgadmin

I'm sorry you are having problems uploading photos.  They have to be downsized and the file name mustn't have an apostophe or an & in it or they won't upload.  For now send them to me at and I'll  upload them for you. 


Re: help needed
Posted: 14/03/2009 by tpgadmin

I've created an album called daisy in the members photo gallery for you.

The sticky out bit on Daisy's shell  is called the nuchal scute and this is normal.  Is this really rubbing or is Daisy actually her skin shedding?  If it's rubbing but the skin isn't raw and bleeding I would be inclined to leave it alone (the photo isn't too clear to be able to see the neck).  Otherwise for now if it is rubbing, I should tape it for a while and see if  this helps.

Hopefully others will comment too.



Re: help needed
Posted: 14/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

Good comment regarding shedding skin. It is really hard to tell from the pictures. When you run your finger over the scute does it feel sharp? Hopefully now you have discussed the options you may have came to a decission today as to what it may be. Please let us know (we do worry).



Re: help needed
Posted: 14/03/2009 by tobiesmum

hi it does feel sharp, i am not sure if she is shedding any skin, there are tiny flakes of skin on her legs but they are so small. the area on her kneck is about half a centermeter long, i think it is the shell causing it but unfortunatley my camera wont pick it up. dont want to leave it incase it does get progressively worse. is it something you have come across? wot would you do?

Re: help needed
Posted: 15/03/2009 by ElaineTPG

I have had a couple of tortoises have little sharp areas turn up. The girls go a bit manic during eggy season and can damage their shells during this process. I normally use an emery board to smooth it off or some fine sand paper, just use your finger to tell when it has smoothed off enough not to cause her any more damage.

Good luck



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