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Redfoot weights
Posted: 22/02/2009 by kirkie


I was wondering if anyone is aware of a rough guide to the accepted weights for juvenille Red Foot tortoise. Specifically would 80 grams at 8CM's SCL be considered normal?



Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Dave

Sorry I can't help as I don't keep Redfoots; so hopefully someone else will come along with an answer.  Meanwhile we'll try and do some research for you.


Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by kirkie

Thanks Helen,

I was digging around for someone who owns this torotise.Didn't find much on the internet but they've now been in touch with a couple of experienced Redfoot keepers and their opinion is that the tortoise in question is a little light for her size. They advised that she should be gaining around 10 grams a month (quite a shock to a Med owner like me).

They've made a couple of environment and diet change recommendations (including some nice earthworms).

Any advice would still be greatly appreciated.



Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi Dave, I am being nosey here, are the experienced Ref Foot keepers on the internet? I often feel that a great deal of experience is not picked up apon due to some people just having NO interest in being online. If this is the case I'd be happy to call them and gain some RF tips if they were interested? Hopefully the new recommendations will make all the difference.


Elaine Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by kirkie

The guy in question is certainly available via the internet. I'll see if I can make some introductions. He is genuinely one of the good guys and I'm sure he'll be most helpful.

Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by tpgadmin

Hi Dave

Although I don't keep Redfoots but I do keep Leopard tortoises and they can gain up to 10 gr. a month too.  In my experience the actual amount of weight they gain involves many factors and is variable from one tortoise to another.  I have had some tortoises gain very little over the year whilst others have tripled in size.  There is no obvious reason for the difference except in one case where genetic problems play a part.

Have you bought a reptile humidifier.  I have seen them in action with redfoots and the tortoises are able to  move in and out of the humid area according to their needs.  They appear to be very good in providing an ideal environment.

Good luck with the odd earthworm Click and drag me down to the editor 

I know mushrooms are a big favourite as are most exotic fruits too.


Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by kirkie

Thanks Helen, I'll pass it on. (It's not my tortoise, I'm more of a Hermann's man myself).Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 23/02/2009 by kirkie

Ahh..It's like one big happy family.

The guy who helped out is known as Egyptindan on shelled warriors. He tells me he knows Nina and he'd be happy to help out with any red and yellowfoot advice.

If you ask me, he's being modest. He knows everything. :)

Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 24/02/2009 by vivtpgadmin

Ahhhh, lol, yes we know Dan very well!!  He's a great bloke and knows his stuff!!!


Re: Redfoot weights
Posted: 29/06/2009 by jeanstorts

Hi dave its a problem when your are trying to do your best for your tort . I have redfoots a male and a small female. first if all forget about her/his weight for a moment and lets have alook at what you are feeding .They are omnivours which means that they eat animal protien I give mine a small serving 5% once a week this can be a good quality cat food, but dont over do it.they also have fresh leafy  green vegetables , fruits should also be fed as they can tolerate fruit better than many other tortoises.A calcium and vitamin D3 supplement should be used.  Try different fruits different veg, so they dont get board they can also have as a treat a mushroom/ or a boiled now and again as there protien in stead of catfood. I write down when I give them different food so at least I can look back and know what they have. weights well to be true to you I dont worry about there weights un less they have dropped alot from last bath and weigh in. the last thing have he /she been wormed!hope this helped Jean B


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