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Tortoise Friendly Plants
Posted: 18/02/2009 by Row


We are starting to sow seeds etc and just want some more ideas and to check that the following are okay for Horsfields to eat.

So far I have a list of the following:

Lavatera, Calendula, Companula, Geranium, Nasturtium, Sedum, Bugle , Pansies and Hosta.

Are the above all ok?

Does anyone else have any suggestions.


Row, Tetley and Twiggy!

Re: Tortoise Friendly Plants
Posted: 18/02/2009 by tpgNina

As far as I know they are all fine. The only qualification I would make is that bugle (ajuga reptans) is high in tannins, so while it isn't harmful to a tortoise it might not taste yummy and they might avoid it -- but that's OK because then you'll have something left when they eat the others down to the ground {g}. It sounds like Tetley and Twiggy are going to have a very gourmet summmer by the looks of it (and you will have some lovely plants in your garden too)!


Re: Tortoise Friendly Plants
Posted: 18/02/2009 by ElaineTPG

Hi Row, I use Hibiscus loads for feeding the torts. Just learn from my mistake (long time ago) I planted up all tort friendly foods and much to my surprise they ate it ALL! Try adding some Hebes too for some colour and shelter as they love to hide under them and they are ok if eating too. Sounds like a tort deli in the making! Looking forward to the summer pictures.

Good luck

ElaineClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Tortoise Friendly Plants
Posted: 18/02/2009 by Row

Hi!  Have Hibiscus on the go already but only 3 inches tall!!!!  But my Mum has one in her garden and always brings a container full of goodies for the little ones. When  she looked after Tetley  last summer,  after week of hibiscus flowers at hers it took 4 days before he would eat anything else with me!  they're a real favourite!


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