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Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 08/02/2009 by geohob

Hi Everyone
I have a herman tortoise which is 1yr and a 1/2, for the past 6 months i have been away and i left him with a relative of mine and she has overfeed him and his shell is starting to bulge out and i don't know what to do can someone please help !!!

Re: Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 08/02/2009 by TPGDarren


The best thing to do is to limit the food so he gains weight very slowly and to ensure all his lighting/calcium requirements are met. There will always be ridges in the shell where he has grown too quickly, though these will become less noticeable as he grows.

How heavy is he now?


Re: Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 08/02/2009 by geohob

i'm not exactly sure but if i were to give an estimate i would say about 100 - 150 g

Re: Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 08/02/2009 by TPGDarren


I've heard of a lot worse if that's any consolation?

I'm sure you'll turn things around:-)

We've one here we took on years ago and she was overfed for a the first three years of her life. She's actually grown really nicely since we've had her and the bad growth, although still there, isn't so apparent.


Re: Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 09/02/2009 by geohob

Thanks, Really appreciate the help, thats put my mind at ease now

Re: Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 02/07/2010 by BabsUk


My four six year ols spur thigh boys are a bit lumpy too; i over fed them in the begining because i can't find anyting at all about 'how much food' to offer? now mine graze daily and only have a small amount of weeds and flowers; but i'm still concerned that i'm over feeding? is there anything we can follow? like weighing hw much they have or give some sort of an example please; i dont want them to continue to over weight



Re: Overfeeding HELP !!!
Posted: 04/07/2010 by TPGDarren


They should consume roughly the same amount that it takes to cover the shell, but this would obviously depend on the idet you're giving them, which should be low in protein. May I enquire how heavy they are please?



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