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twiglets awake again
Posted: 08/02/2009 by shazzler

Hi All,

twiglet has just come out of his 7 wk hibernation Click and drag me down to the editor within 2 hrs hes drank, had a wander about and eaten so all in all i think it was successful, im so happy hes up and about i really missed the little fella ha ha

sharon xxxx

Re: twiglets awake again
Posted: 08/02/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Sharon,


Good to hear he's up and about safe and sound Click and drag me down to the editor

I'm starting to get my lot up next weekend

Let's hope the weeds start making a show abundance Click and drag me down to the editor




Re: twiglets awake again
Posted: 08/02/2009 by shazzler

Thanks darren x

Re: twiglets awake again
Posted: 08/02/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Sharon
Sooo pleased Twiglet is OK. My Molly made it safely through too. Keya will have her turn next year. Didn't we learn so much by doing the hibernation ourselves ?(with the support of TPG)
Click and drag me down to the editor


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