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Clipping Claws
Posted: 03/02/2009 by kohimagirl

Annabel's claws get very long and I want advice on clipping please. She is a Med  Spur Thigh and is 7yrs old.  In the summer when she is out in her digging area during the day her claws are OK. Advice appreciated. 


Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 03/02/2009 by tpgNina


Sounds like Annabel might need a manicure {g}. If her claws are so long that they are interfering with her walking, then they will need to be clipped (but would you like to post a photo for us to look at, just to be sure?).
I have never had to clip my tortoise's claws, but I know that some people use of those little electric sanding devices (dremmel?), and others just use a professional clippers. However, you do have to be really careful, because, like birds, torts have a vein running part way through each nail and if you cut into it, it can result in bleeding. So you could take her to a vet and have it done there (I think that's what I would do, but I'm a bit chicken on these things).
Can I ask if there is a reason why she isn't hibernating at the moment? Or is she one of the torts that has woken up recently?


Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 03/02/2009 by kohimagirl

Thanks for your reply, cutting claws isnt a problem, I breed Siamese kittens so can cut claws easily, just wanted some advice as I had never cut Annabel's.

She has never hibernated, she was a bit dehydrated after the summer and my park has started spraying the weeds that I used to pick for her, which means she is on more salad than weeds. I intend to start a hybernating routine, but I want her in tip top condition for her f.irst hybernation....she is a bit bumpy on her back toowhich worries me.


Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 03/02/2009 by tpgNina

Have you only had her this year then? That would make sense, but do try and hibernate her next year. Have a look at the material we have on hibernation on this site (it's under The Tortoise in the left-hand column) -- and don't forget that we're always here to help you (we all know how scary hibernation can be and it's good to have support and advice).

You can grow your own weeds in a little patch in your garden (and things like plantain stay green all year long), or you can grow them indoors from weed mixtures specially formulated for tortoises -- here is the one most people use:
(sorry I can't post a live link, but you can cut and paste it). Don't be scared off by the £100 per pound stuff -- you can just buy a few grams. I think my little bag cost me about £8, but it lasted nearly three years, as you just sow it thinly, and only when there aren't a lot of good weeds available outdoors. I also have pansies and an abutilon bush that I bring indoors to indoors to supplement the weeds, plus sedum spectabile (the ice plant) -- it dies down each year outdoors, but indoors it will grow all winter.

Why don't you post a photo of Annabel and her claws? I'll bet she's lovely, and tortoises do need to have their nails a good length to help with digging, so we might be able to reassure you about them.


Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 03/02/2009 by kohimagirl

Thanks Nina, batteries charging for camera as I type.....

I do grow weeds in the summer, but thanks for the link for seeds.....will have a look. Growing them indoors is going to be fun....have only grown cress for her on the windowsill.



Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 04/02/2009 by kohimagirl

Pic of Annabel and her claws. Appreciate any advice you can give.


Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 04/02/2009 by kohimagirl

Re: Clipping Claws
Posted: 04/02/2009 by tpgAli


Looking at your pic this is very like a Horsfield tortoise that i took on a few years ago, he also came to me with very long claws and all i did was put extra rocks and paving slabs in the enclosure, if you put the food on the slabs it helps to keep the beak trim also. I wouldnt worry too much as these claws will wear down in time. It worked for my Horsfield.



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