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Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by Cundou

Hi, I'm new to this site, though not that new to tortoises.

I have a male Testudo Graeca, name's Ronny, and he's about 7 or 8 years old (according to the last owner, he was 5 when I got him, and the vet says he's now between 7-12 years old).

I'm an eager reader of care sheets, and after reading the one on this site, I've decided to start using Nutrabol as a food supplement. So far I've been using T-Rex "super food tortoise dust", but the local pet store has stopped taking it in.

I live in Norway, where having tortoises is forbidden by defualt(you can get exceptions), so tortoise supplies are very limited. So I need to buy Nutrabol online, and after this long introduction, this is what I want to ask:

Do you have any advice on websites that sells this stuff, is safe to use, and ships to Norway?
I checked "" but they seem to ship only in the UK. I also tried "" but it won't work =S Seems they don't ship here either.

Any help would be appreciated!

Re: Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by tpgNina

Hi, and welcome to the TPG! I'm glad you like our care sheet. I've looked at a couple of sites and they only ship to the UK too. However, you could try the makers of Nutrobal. They are called VetArk, and their website is:
(Sorry, but my browser won't let me post live links on here -- but you could but and paste it). I just tried to ring them on your behalf, but they are closed on Saturdays.

Hopefully they can either send you some direct, or recommend an outlet that will ship abroad.

Cheers, and let us know how you get on.


Re: Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by tpgNina

P.S. And I meant to say that it does have a sell by date, and you use it very sparingly (I think it is one pinch per kilo of tortoise), so don't order too much.


Re: Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by Cundou

Thanks a lot =D
I will try contacting them myself. It's quite frustrating that it's this hard to keep my tortoise well supplied and healthy because of the laws in my country >_> Even the pet store I worked in wouldn't take in more supplies because of the lack of customers.

But as long as there are workarounds, I'm happy ^_^ And sites like this help a lot!

Re: Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by Cundou

By the way, if I am unable to get Nutrabol, or Arkvits as your care sheet also suggest, is the T-Rex Tortoise Dust any good in comparison?

Re: Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by tpgNina

My understanding is that the T-Rex tortoise dust isn't recommended. I think the reason was that it didn't have the same proportion of calcium and vitamins as Nutrobal and was too high in protein, but someone will come on and correct me if I'm wrong. I think a good alternative to Nutrobal -- especially with sub-adults and adult tortoises -- is Reptivite, and it is made by ZooMed. If you Google it there are lots of results that come up. Hopefully you'll be able to find a supplier of one of them.


Re: Buying supplements online - need suggestions
Posted: 17/01/2009 by Cundou

Thanks a lot for your help, I'll try and see what I come up with =)


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