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Tortoises and Children.
Posted: 06/01/2009 by hetty23dotty

Hello everyone,

I was wondering how tortoises tend to re-act to children?  Are they frightened by them if they are noisy or do they become accustomed to them?  Obviously I am talking about children being well supervised when they are around the tortoise.  Also, I have read that tortoises can carry salmonella?  Does this make tortoises unsuitable for family pets with small children around or is it just a matter of taking sensible precautions such as washing hands etc? I would be interetsed to hear people's opinions.

Many thanks, Laura

Re: Tortoises and Children.
Posted: 06/01/2009 by vivtpgadmin

Hi Laura, we do not consider that tortoises are unsuitable pets for children.

Firstly as you mention torts will be frightened by children if they constantly handle them, even if supervised torts are naturally shy and stress very easily.

And as you say torts can carry salmonella and worms, it would mean constant hand washing/sterilising.  It is best to wait until a child is older and can fully understand the needs of a tortoise and good husbandry, at this stage they make excellent pets and will be guaranteed a home with the child for its long life!

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: Tortoises and Children.
Posted: 07/01/2009 by hetty23dotty

Hi Vivienne,

thanks for your advise.  I am thinking of getting my first tortoise and although I do not have any children at the moment I am hoping that one day I will.  Just thought  I ought to check things out as I am hoping the tortoise would be around for a very long time.  Also, as I am a primary school teacher I was wondering how a tortoise would cope with visiting the children in my class?  Other teachers sometimes bring their pets in (guinea-pigs etc) and the children love it.  I have a class of 20 very sensible 7-8 year olds and I think they would love to see a tortoise but I wouldn't do it if I thought it might distress the tortoise.

Many thanks, Laura.


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