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Posted: 05/01/2009 by Shelbyville

I am seriously considering having my 2 tortoises microchipped. Can this be done at any age? Mine are currently six months old.

Re: Microchipping
Posted: 05/01/2009 by imfromwales


Re: Microchipping
Posted: 05/01/2009 by tpgNina


I think your torts are far too small to microchip. I think you really only need to microchip if you are planning to breed from the tortoises, although I imagine you might be doing it for security reasons. It is an invasive procedure (inserting the chip under the skin), and I think there is a minimum size that your tortoise has to reach before it is recommended, but I can't remember what that is -- I'm sure that someone will come on with the information, but I wouldn't microchip unless I had to, as it must cause the tortoise some stress (and there is some anecdotal evidence to indicate that occasionally the chips migrate under the skin and become lodged somewhere).


Re: Microchipping
Posted: 05/01/2009 by tpgarlene


I would second what Nina has said here, the microchips used for tortoises are the same that they use for dogs and cats.  Certain species of tortoise must be microchipped, but only if you are going to sell them and they are over 10cm in length, or if you are breeding from them and selling the offspring.  Even at 10cm, their legs are still pretty small, and the needle and the chip are very large in comparison, and I certainly wouldnt have it done through choice.  If you are thinking of the security angle, good quality photos of the plastron, carapace, and any ditinguishing features is always a good idea.  The BCG used to do 'Plastron Fingerprinting', Im not sure if that scheme is still running, but will try and find out.



Re: Microchipping
Posted: 05/01/2009 by Shelbyville

To be honest I was thinking more about if they get lost at all. But I would rather not put them through any unecessary procedure. And it seems to be something from reading the posts here, that is not usually done and therefore obviously not really needed. I prefer to try and be a responsible keeper and so if the general opinion was to chip tortoises then I would have had it done but as it isn't then I won't. I just would have hated in the event of a lost/stolen tortoise to have been told " You should have had them chipped"

Thanks for your opinions and advice, it is greatly recieved.


Re: Microchipping
Posted: 05/01/2009 by tpgNina


I'm on very shaky ground here, not having had my tortoise microchipped, so maybe Arlene can confirm or deny this, but I think that as far as security goes, if a tortoise is microchipped, then the person who finds it would have to take it to a vet or somewhere to have the chip scanned in order to read it (it's not like a dog collar where you can easily see the address), so that is another added obstacle in tracing the owner. Of course some people would do that, but it wouldn't even occur to many people that a tortoise has a microchip, so they might not take that step.


Re: Microchipping
Posted: 17/01/2009 by tortoise7


Sorry to come in a bit late on this one, but just picked it up from the new posting.
The BCG do still do the finger printing as I have done Keya and will do Molly once I have got her settled a bit.


Re: Microchipping
Posted: 07/09/2009 by Sue Martin


I am a very new owner, only 2 weeks. My Malfie is 18 months old and I was concerned about security. I have smat wartered my tortoise. Its a clear non toxic liquid that should be available from your police station. West Mercia Constabulary supply it for about £10.00 - Its the latest in forensic science! It has a unique code in the liquid that is registered to your address. I only had some as I was burgled a while ago and thats how I found out about it. I checked with West Mercia and they agreed it was a good idea ( you only need the smallest amount. It cant be washed, ground or scratched off. A small dab is all you need on the edge of the shell and your tortoise is marked and "registered" to you for life. Much less stress for you and your friend. Just thought it may be of some help.

Kind regards,


Re: Microchipping
Posted: 07/09/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Sue,

I have never heard of this before but it looks worth looking into.

Thanks for the info.



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