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Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 04/01/2009 by tortoise7

Molly still hasn't wee'd yet. She has been having 2 baths a day, and has been drinking, this is her 2nd day. She has eaten a few bits but seems to gag abit after about 3 -4 bites. She seems well in herself and quite strong, and not showing any signs of lethargy associated with dehydration. Is this normal?

Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 04/01/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

She might be passing water in the bath without you even noticing, it's often just a small gush of water - hardly noticeable.

If she's active and there are no signs of her straining then I'm sure evrything will be ok


Hope you're well otherwise


Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 05/01/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Darren
Thanks- I thought I was going to see lots of urates. Poor Molly she is as cool as a cucumber about all this, I need to learn from her I thinkClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 07/01/2009 by tortoise7


Just to let you know that Molly has done a wee this morning and passed lots of healthy urates, and she has a good appetite so far. Perhaps I can sit back and relax now and just enjoy my two lovely torts. Click and drag me down to the editor


Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 07/01/2009 by tpgAli

Thats great news Jane Click and drag me down to the editor  These animals really are a worry arent they? <g>


Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 07/01/2009 by tpgNina

Great news, Jane! Why do they treat us this way, giving us all this worry and hassle -- do you think it's payback for us starving them prior to hibernation? :-)


Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 07/01/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

Glad everything's OK Jane:-)


Re: Drinking after hibernation
Posted: 07/01/2009 by tortoise7

Thanks Guys
I think they play games with us just to make us learn more about them Click and drag me down to the editor



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