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Posted: 04/01/2009 by sherri

hiya i know next too nothing about HIBERNATE a tortoise  and i just wanting to ask when the time come at the  end of this year  (i know i know its ages away) but i just need to know there be some one too help me  if i could phone someone   who could help me do this as it be my frist time  and   i know you got too do so much   with making sure they stop eating and  HIBERNATE them putting them in a box and i been reading that you all being  weighing them why there inHIBERNATE  as well  would someone mind if when i have too do that  they could help me though that and i could talk too them on the phone so i get  all right ? Click and drag me down to the editor

Posted: 04/01/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Sherri,

I've sent you my Telephone number through your mailbox

Please don't hesitate to give me a call when you're ready


Posted: 04/01/2009 by tpgNina

Hi Sherri,

Don't worry -- we all have lots of questions when it comes to hiberntion, and that is where this forum is great, because you can ask any question and people are really willing to help. I know your first hibernation won't be until next year, but you can start reading now to prepare yourself. If you click on The Tortoise in the left-hand column, you'll see a section on hibernation with several articles on various aspects of hibernation.

When it comes to hibernation we're all in the same boat!



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