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Too warm to hibernate?
Posted: 11/01/2020 by likeabit

This year we adopted a Horsfield Tort who is ~10 years old (we think, previous owners had him 7 years and he has 12 rings). He has always lived inside but last year did not hibernate although I think he has done before. He has been living inside with us and I am keen for him to hibernate at least for a few weeks. To this end, we have started the wind down period and he has been living in our conservatory at ~10oC for a couple of weeks, not eating, just mooching gently around in his box. I think he is ready to hibernate* but will take advice on this... However, we live in S Manchester and the temperature is staying warm. Am I correct in thinking that, if it doesn't get cold soon (and drop to ~5oC in the conservatory/anywhere) then Sid just won't go into hibernation? 

If this is the case, then what shall I do?  I'm considering getting a fridge, is this the best thing to do?  If yes, any recommendations for good/bad ones please? 
Any advice you can give will be much appreciated. Millions of thanks.

* Sid hasn't eaten for a few weeks or had toilet movements. We've been bathing him regularly. His weight has been consistent and when we plugged his weight/measurements into a calculator he came out as healthy weight. I've got a bucket of compost ready for him to dig into.  


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