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Quick question
Posted: 09/12/2017 by Bowser

Hi all, after years of wating one, the wife and i got our Hermanns yeaterday. Hatched in June, with article 10 and not from a pet shop. I thought i has researched everything, but here i am on day 2!

The setup is a large tortoise table with an 80w arcadia D3 combi lamp. Last evening Bowser ignored his(we refer to it a male) indoor area and instead buried in a corner once the lamp was off. This morning he was very slow and kind of lathargic although he did eat food when presented to him.

Do we need a ceramic lamp for the evenings in this first year when we are not hibernating him? I think it may be getting too cool in the evenings.

As a side, can anybody recommend and good winter window sill plants from the garden center to vary his diet during the winter months?

Thanks in advance.


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