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Please help!
Posted: 05/07/2017 by Ruth007

Hello - I am new here! My husband found a tortoise in the street 2 weeks ago (we think he's a Horsefield). I said we could not keep him. We go on holidays and for weekends away. I did some research and they need so much care. His friend said he would take him. He has a house but the garden isn't secure so they'll probably keep him indoors. However, this little chap seems quite at home in our garden, he pads about all day and has a couple of favourite spots. We'd been putting him in a box in our (warm) shed during the night but for the last few nights we've left him outside as he's got himself cosy in a spot in a corner under a bush. We don't know his history so have no idea how he lived before he was found. He is going to his new home tomorrow but I'm anxious about him

Not being able to roam freely around a garden. He seems to enjoy the garden and we've been feeding him apple and leaves. Is it safe for him to live out in our garden? I know we would have to address the hibernation issue when the time comes. We could get someone to check on him and feed him when we're away. I'm feeling fretful about him going tomorrow - would he be ok living in a tortoise tank indoors? I've never been one for animals but I've grown fond of our little tort and want him to be happy. I don't know what to do 😳

Re: Please help!
Posted: 06/07/2017 by Tom


Keep it! it will be better off with you. It needs to be out until autumn, though it will need a house to retire to in order to feel secure.

Click on The Tortoise box on the left to find lots of info..

If you upload photos  I'll identify the species.



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