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End of tortoises tail is pink
Posted: 21/06/2017 by JessicaFoster


I'm new to the forum and am looking for a bit of advice.

Our tortoise, Sydney, has started acting out of character by stomping and almost running, yes running, around his indoor enclosure.  There have so far this has happened twice in the last week.  The first time it happened it looked like a tiny part of the skin on the end of his tail had come off, leaving the tip not covered in skin.  He had tucked his tail right under his shell and we were only able to see it when we put his bath.  We bathed him for about 20 minutes and he seemed to calm down with his tail not troubling him anymore. This was up until yesterday evening when he started behaving as above again.  When I looked at his tail, again it was tucked right under until he was in the bath, this time where the skin looked like it had come off his tail, that part appeared to have fell off!!!!  The tail looked a little pink last night but he calmed down again after his bath.

Does anyone have any advice on how I should treat the tortoise?  Are there any natural remedies I could use for him? 

Re: End of tortoises tail is pink
Posted: 21/06/2017 by


1. Which species ?
2. Age ?
3. How is it housed ?

A photo of the area would help.


Re: End of tortoises tail is pink
Posted: 21/06/2017 by JessicaFoster

Sorry, all the necessary information omitted from the post!

Sydney is a horsefield tortoise and believe him to be 7.  He's housed in a converted tall bookcase layed on its back with areas to dig, shelter and clamber on a rock.  He has a heat lamp and UV strip light ... I will try to attach a photo.

Re: End of tortoises tail is pink
Posted: 21/06/2017 by


A 100W Megaray UVB bulb with dome reflector would be better.
It can live outside in summer.

I can't see any detail in the pic.. Get some iodine/ povidine solution from a chemists. Paint on the area daily to prevent infection. It will sting.



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