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Hibernation issues
Posted: 01/05/2017 by paulne12

Hi, I have a 2.5 yr old Herman and I have tried to overwinter him indoors in his table. This has been problematic as he keeps going to his hide and digging himself in. He will stay for days without eating etc... is this normal? He has his heat lamp and uv on but he moves away from them and dig in? Any advise would be appreciated. Surely he should be livening up by now.....


Re: Hibernation issues
Posted: 02/05/2017 by


How long have you had it & where from ?

What light / heat are you using ? 
What is the temperature in the hot spot at tort level ?


Re: Hibernation issues
Posted: 02/05/2017 by paulne12

Hi Tom, I had him 1.5 years. He overwintered well last year. He is in a table with 32c - 35c in his hot spot. He's got uvb tube too. He's drinking well when I Bath him, and eats small amounts too, but then takes himself off and digs in! 

Re: Hibernation issues
Posted: 02/05/2017 by

Thanks Pauline,

I'm assuming that you have a UVB bulb with a dome reflector, in which case you can dispense with the tube. I'd raise the bulb to achieve a temp. of 30-32C. No heat or light at night of course.

Do you have a weight chart ?
I'd block off or remove the hide, they serve no useful purpose. It needs to feed daily.
Why haven't you given it short hibe's ? If it progresses it can have 3mths this time.

It will soon be able to go outside for the summer & could have been out on nice days in the past month.
Try that & let us know what happens.

Go to "The Tortoise ..." box & print off a Caresheet.


Re: Hibernation issues
Posted: 07/05/2017 by paulne12

Thanks Tom, Thor is happy and awake of his own accord ! Im a drama daddy.


Re: Hibernation issues
Posted: 07/05/2017 by

From all you've stated Paul, I think you need to read up & tweak the husbandry.



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