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Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by Huw

yesterday i welcomed a beautiful Hermann into our home having rehomed him through the TPG. Very exciting and im very grateful to the TPG! 

However, he hasnt eaten anything. 
Do you think this might be related to the stress of his big move? 

He seems fine in every other way - he sure is active! 


Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by

Hello Huw,

What age is it, how is 'it housed' & what food is on offer ?


Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by Huw

Hi Tom,

Ive had him outdoors mostly, in a grassy enclosure. 
Indoors i have the set up he has always had (he's 7) and offering the same food he has always eaten - pak choi, kale, sliced greens and have offered him dandlions and clover. 

Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by Huw

The only change (apart from moving house!) is his substrate is now orchid bark instead of herbifloor

Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by

Can you send pics of the outside enclosure pls.? What size is it ?

Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by Huw

He has the run of the backyard. 

Do you think his enclosure might be affecting his eating? 

Ill email you some photos if thats ok?

Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 30/04/2017 by

Thanks for the pic [direct]. 

There is no obvious reason why it's not feeding. I wonder if it has been living on lettuce & fruit or something silly.
Greens & kale are brassicas so should be avoided. If you go to the heading "Diet ...." I recommend a book on edible plants.
Place him in a bowl of tepid water about 2cm deep, so  he can have a good soak & drink.
Minimum handling.
He should eat tomorrow, subject to temps.. 
You don't seem to have any info on it's previous lifestyle.

I'd extend the enclosure to a min of 15sqm if poss' eventually. Concrete can damage the plastron over a period of time. Can it see thro' the sides of the enclosure ?
Put soft straw in the house.

Keep us informed,

Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 01/05/2017 by Huw

Thanks Tom! 

Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 02/05/2017 by Huw

Monty started eating today!


Re: Rehomed Tort
Posted: 04/05/2017 by

Good to hear Huw,

Regular soaks.
Make sure he can't see out of his enclosure, (not clear from your photo).
I guess you were advised to print off the TPG Herm's Caresheet.



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