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Posted: 07/03/2017 by

Hi  I got my Tort from the Protection group I sent photos of the table my husband made and lights I had purchased, We were told he had never hibernated which wasn't a problem the thing is I worry about him all the time, I am never sure I am doing the right thing or being given the right advice. The table we made for him was quite big and heavy but because he is quite big I didn't think it was big enough so now we have built a run in the greenhouse with heat in there as well as his lights, he also has a hide which he goes in but lately he is burrowing down so deep I have to find him to dig him up, he has weeds in there that he can eat along with water.  Should I leave him until he decides to come out or dig him up..The substrate is soil thanks Carol

Re: Hermann
Posted: 07/03/2017 by


What age is it ? Can you give FULL details of temps pls & places temps taken.

A good idea to put in g'house but it is the night temp. causing it to submerge. It's normal whilst it's so cold at night.

Take it in at about 4pm b4 it digs down.

Go to "The Tortoise / Incl...." box to print off a Caresheet & start reading up on hibernation for in the Autumn.


Re: Hermann
Posted: 08/03/2017 by

Hi, He is about 9 years old, the temp reading in the greenhouse is about 60 -65, we keep the heater on all of the time, the temp in his hide is 71 under light, right at the bottom near the door is about 18 but he is not near the door.

Re: Hermann
Posted: 08/03/2017 by

Those temps are too low to feed or properly metabolise food. Use a UVB bulb with a reflector dome.

I'd get a max min thermo' & 2 digital therm's.

Now is the time to build an outdoor enclosure of at least 15sqm, with a large night house. 

Don't use the g'house in summer other than in spells of awful weather.

You are on the right track & now have the TPG Care info. to work with.



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