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What basics would I for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 01/03/2017 by Mzzy

hi I'm new here (please be kind!)

I'm keen to adopt a tortoise, I've been reading as many posts as I can.
What are the basics I would need for an outdoor enclosure and what size would it be? 
I don't have a shed or green house, but have seen on pictures, people have used dog kennel type things and cold frames? 
Should it be situated in the sunniest part of the garden?
Thanks in advance x

Re: What basics would I for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 01/03/2017 by


You will need a hardy species. Also you will need to consider the period between hibernation & temps warm enough for living outside. I'm assuming it will be adult or sub-adult.

A 30cm high wooden sided enclosure is ideal. It needs to be at LEAST 15sqm. 

As you state a house is needed & this needs to be much bigger than the tortoise, so that in poor weather it can move around. The wooden base can be covered with straw. A roof made of polycarbonate [or "Plexiglass"] will aid early morning & general warming. 
This works better than a kennel & cold-frame combination.
This is something you would need to design & build, or have someone build.

Yes the enclosure should be in the sunniest part of the garden with the house entrance facing S.E.. Provide shade areas in the hottest months.


Re: What basics would I for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 02/03/2017 by Mzzy

Thanks Tom, that's very helpful.

I would be interested in a Germans or horsefield.

Would it also need a heat lamp in the outside enclosure/house? Or is that just for the indoor table? Thanks 

Re: What basics would I for outdoor enclosure
Posted: 02/03/2017 by

Have you looked at the TPG rehoming box on the L. ? And downloaded the form ?

It's a UVB bulb [+ reflector dome] you need for the table. That wouldn't work in the house I described. You need an electrician for outside - water & electrics don't mix !!
You can get a walk in poly tunnel at a very good price.



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