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Advice please
Posted: 06/12/2016 by Lizziej01

I've just come home from work and found my female tortoise passed away under her lamp (Arcadia d3).

She hadn't flipped over she looked like she was sleeping. When I picked her up a little trickle of blood came from her but I couldn't find any cuts, her head was a bit bloated looking though.
She hadn't shown any sign of illness and had a bath Sunday and ate yesterday but she's gone today, I'm at a loss as to why.
She was around 7 years old, I've had her since 2yrs early September.
Any ideas please???

Re: Advice please
Posted: 06/12/2016 by


I'm sorry to hear this.
What wattage is the bulb & what distance was the base of the bulb from the top of your tort's carapace ?


Re: Advice please
Posted: 06/12/2016 by Lizziej01

80w & 30cm distance, no changes made, always been same bulb and distance.

Re: Advice please
Posted: 06/12/2016 by

Not too close then. In that case it's very difficult to identify the problem.

Ideally it should have been in hibernation, you'll appreciate.
You could have a post-mortem [£200+) but prob' inconclusive.

Very sad.


Re: Advice please
Posted: 07/12/2016 by Lizziej01

She wasn't a hibernating species. 

Any ideas What can cause bleeding from the nose/mouth at all? That's where the blood came from but only a trickle.

Thank you.

Re: Advice please
Posted: 07/12/2016 by

Sorry I had thought it was a hermanns for some reason. Which species was it ?

A trickle of blood at death is not uncommon in any animal.


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