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juvenile or Adult determination
Posted: 13/11/2016 by Brummy_Tort

Hi Tom

I want to start winding down my Horsfield in the next couple of weeks, but not sure whether to use the 7 or 5 day winding down period as I don't know how old he is. My g/f bought him for me a couple of years ago and he now weighs 420g  and his shell length is 116mm if that's any use?  I know they all grow at different rates but maybe with your experience you could make an estimate as to whether he is a juvenile or adult?

Many thanks

Re: juvenile or Adult determination
Posted: 13/11/2016 by

Hello Darren,

If you are sure it's male then it could be adult. Even if it is adult it may become heavier, adult wt's vary. Females are bigger than males.

I don't know what you mean by "the 7 or 5 day wind down" - I'd have another read of the TPG Hibe info..


Re: juvenile or Adult determination
Posted: 13/11/2016 by Brummy_Tort

Hi Tom

Well unfortunately I dont know the sex. Even after the vet had given him an x ray a few months back he didnt know either. Sorry for the confusion. I meant a wind down period using either a 7 day week or 5 day week, the latter being recommended for juveniles. Maybe to be on the safe side I should wind him down for just 20 days? What do you think?


Re: juvenile or Adult determination
Posted: 14/11/2016 by

You referred to it as "him" - hence my assumption.

 The "5 day week" idea is bizarre.

At 3wks when soaked daily in slightly warm water, if no faeces are produced after 3 or 4 days, it should be ready. Keep monthly wt records in future.

If female it may be about half grown.


Re: juvenile or Adult determination
Posted: 15/11/2016 by Brummy_Tort

Hi Tom

Yes I have always referred to the tort as a him, although my g/f and mom always referred to it as a she, so there you go.

You may be surprised to hear that I read about the 5 day week in your Preparing the Tortoise for Hibernation Wind down procedure
 care sheet, under the section about wind-down Guide for Juvenile Tortoises, hence my query.

My fridge seems quite stable hovering just below 5 degrees with a variation of less than half a degree which is just what I wanted as was aiming for a temperature range of 4.5 to 5 so quite pleased with that. I noticed it does jolt when the compressor kicks in though but I don't think the tort will be too bothered. Will continue checking to see if it continues to maintain this range.  I think the most difficult thing will be gradually cooling him down for the last couple of days. The coldest place I have besides my shed is a porch. My idea is to put him in there and once cooled move him to the fridge which will be set at its warmest setting of 10 degrees and then gradually turn it down to the current setting. Its the safest way I can think of doing it as it will be far too cold and unpredictable to leave him outside.

Will take your advice and wind him down over 3 weeks and see how he is. He loves his food and wont be happy when I stop feeding him.


Re: juvenile or Adult determination
Posted: 16/11/2016 by

I'm just A TPG member the same as you Darren, so the hibe' Guide is a separate issue. It's very good, but the "5 or 7 day week" can lead to confusion.

Yes all looks good with the fridge, I'd go for 3-5C.



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