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Have been offered a tortoise
Posted: 04/09/2016 by Oddjob

Having now got four grandchildren we had been considering getting a tortoise as apes for some time but not really got past the "interested" stage. Quite by chance it seems a colleague at work keeps a tortoise and has done for some time. This came up in a conversation with my wife who mentioned our interest. It seems the colleague has recently reluctantly took over care of tortoises that her friend had kept for five years due to a change in circumstances . She has offer to give these to us with their house.. We have a reasonable size garden which gets plenty of sun and a garage where we could tap external power and as I retire next summer I am actively looking for some new interests and hobbies.

However, these tortoises don't have any paperwork. We trust our colleague and her intentions but wonder where it leaves us if we accept in a legal sense. We have no knowledge elf the history of them before the five years and to be fair don't even know the species.
Part of me thinks we are in a position to give them a good home but we're a little unsure if this is better or worse than leaving them with our colleague, who may give them to others with less long term interest.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Re: Have been offered a tortoise
Posted: 04/09/2016 by


The important thing is to determine which species they are. There are a number of species e.g. sulcata, 'leopards', Asian 'stars', etc., which I'd not touch with a bargepole !!

Can you upload some photos please & I can then advise hopefully.

Do you know what their "house" consists of ?


Re: Have been offered a tortoise
Posted: 04/09/2016 by

Re: Have been offered a tortoise
Posted: 05/09/2016 by Oddjob

Hi Tom and thanks. I'm not quite sure how to upload photos on here so I will email one. 

Re: Have been offered a tortoise
Posted: 05/09/2016 by Oddjob

Ok Tom. I couldn't send to your email for some reason and tried to up load on here. 

Re: Have been offered a tortoise
Posted: 05/09/2016 by


They are Hermanns - the best species for our climate.

If they are free then no legal problems. Get the owners to give ALL details in writing & file it.

They need an enclosure of at least 15sqm., wood is best & cheapest, plus a good sized house with polycarbonate roof.

Click on "The Tortoise" box for a Caresheet.

What weight & straight length are they ?



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