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Question about zoos
Posted: 21/08/2016 by Shellsx2

Feeling concerned... we have visited two zoos recently.  One had 15 or so mixed breeds of tortoises in a 10x10 glass enclosure.  One had small sulcatas indoors on a dusty floor, 3 leopards again on bare floor but sharing with lemurs.  Both zoos were feeding spring greens and broccoli.  Lots of broccoli!  Where do zoos get their tortoise care info from?  Any ideas? 

Re: Question about zoos
Posted: 21/08/2016 by


Which zoos are these ?

I suggest that you raise your concerns directly [in writing] with the zoos in question.

Let us know what happens please.


Re: Question about zoos
Posted: 21/08/2016 by Shellsx2

I will do.  But I wondered where they get care information from.  Pet shops also commonly feed wrong food, so I wondered if there was a governing body giving out wrong info, if you see what I mean.  

Re: Question about zoos
Posted: 21/08/2016 by


I look forward to hearing from you how they respond.

Re. pet shops - their main concern is profit. Good pet shops don't sell pets. You could write to The Pet Trade Association & to REPTA [Reptile & Exotic Pet Trade Association] to see what they have to say. Again please let us know their response.



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