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Advice needed
Posted: 17/06/2016 by Ryan.cook

I have a marganat and a Herman the Herman is 7 and the marganat 8 in the same table, I got them off my cousin as he could not look after them I need to swap the marganat for a Herman or vise versa so I  have same breed in the same enclosure any advice on what to do please. 

Re: Advice needed
Posted: 18/06/2016 by Tom


The 2 species in question require CITES A10 Certificates in order to exchange them. Failure to obtain the Certificate is a CRIMINAL offence. For help & info about this telephone DEFRA on 0117 3728774.

What is the size of the enclosure they are in ?

Re: Advice needed
Posted: 21/06/2016 by Tom

What size is your enclosure Ryan ?

Re: Advice needed
Posted: 22/06/2016 by

In the absence of a reply, they should be in an outside enclosure of at least 15sqm, - not in a tortoise table.


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