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Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

hi, I have 7year old horsfield. I've had him  almost 5 yrs. last year he was attempting to bite. This progressively got worse so he was banished to his table. He was allowed to roam when the house was quiet. He has a basking lamp and he's on tortoise sand with hay in his bedroom. He's got worse now where he has drawn blood from my foot. He's biting clothing foot ware etc. I've put him out in his enclosure but he seems miserable. He's got heat in there and lots of plants but he doesn't seem happy at all. He digs in and stops there till I put him back in his heated area at night. This morning I thought I'd bring him in for a nice bath and encourage him to have something to eat. After his bath I offered him some food. He wasn't interested only opening his mouth to bite me. I pushed food in and he took it well maybe 4 or 5 mouth full. All the while trying to bite. I also heard a horrible noise. His mouth as wide as it would open, it wasn't a hiss noise it was deeper. If he was a dog I'd have called it a growl. I don't know what to do with him. Please can you offer any help. I can send you pictures if needed


Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by Tom

Hello Mandy,

Yes send pics please of your tort & the indoor & outdoor enclosures, noting sizes.


Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

Hi sorry about the pictures I'm no really good with technology, hope you can see them 
He's outside now, his inside table is all shut down however! It's 24" x 30"
and 10" x 30" for his bedroom. He has uv basking lamp on 12 hours when he's insid.
This year End I was looking to hibernate him. Just because I thought it might
Sort him out with the biting? Clutching at straws really I think.
His outside enclosure is 34" x 40" undercover with heat lamp. This is on during the night.
You can just see him under it. He doesn't have any other heat or lighting outside.
Just today I took the hide from around the bulb cone because I thought it was too hot
For him because each morning I found him in his tunnel to his garden fast asleep
and cold. Should he have something covering him?
The open end is 56" X 40" as you can see with plants. Just getting a real soaking with
Rain at the moment.
The last resort for me is to re-home him but I really do love him. I just don't want him 
to be living a sad life. I try to give him what he needs but I somehow don't think I've
Got it right just yet and I would welcome any help and advice you can give me.
King regards

Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by Tom

Thanks for the info., can you try again to upload the pics please ? as they aren't there. 

I'll understand your setup better with the photos. It's clear from what you say that you are trying hard.


Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

Hi Sorry I will try again and send them

Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

Sorry Tom I'm having problems uploading my pictures. Is there another email I can send them to?

Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by tommytortoise

Got there In the end. They aren't the best trying to take pictures in rain. There are quite a few plants in there. Do you think he needs more? I give him his daily plate of baby gem broccoli and a few dandilions. He's not bothered to eat anything for over a week though. I have tried all sorts of foods and generally this is all he eats.


Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 13/06/2016 by Tom

Thanks Mandy,

Depending where you live, the weather has been below average lately, that would make him miserable & depress his appetite.
Does he attempt to mount the shoe when he makes those noises ?

Sorry you've had a struggle in the rain & with uploading.
Is there a waterproof 'house' in the outside pen ? Does the outside pen get sunlight most of the day.
You could at some stage extend the outside enclosure, also put a polycarbonate roof on his house, but that won't change his aggression I suspect. I think it will improve a bit in better weather.
I'd avoid broccoli as it's in the brassica family.
I'd not add more plants, as you need some direct sunlight as well as shade.

Some males become very aggressive & are still quite happy. One of my T. ibera is like that. I give him the odd bit of food by hand & stroke his shell. 
I don't think it's anything you are doing wrong, it's the way he's going to be.

If you click on "The Tortoise /.." box, you will find lots of useful info..


Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 14/06/2016 by tommytortoise


No he only makes the noises when he's trying to bite. He's quite slow to start with then you can see how frustrated he becomes when he doesn't succeed. Hes decided he doesn't want the shoe now. His living area has thick perspect lid. His heat lamp hangs in there. I've just taken a plastic planter that I adapted from around the bulb cone as I think it was too hot for him, that's possibly why he was never found under it? I will pop something back around it but make sure its bigger. It should give him room to move away instead of been stuck directly under the heat. Also, I wouldn't be burning my electric for nothing. Would you keep the heat going 24/7 or turn it off during the day? If I think it's nippy I do flick the switch to constant. I will avoid feeding the broccoli. 

Re: Beyond aggressive
Posted: 14/06/2016 by Tom


I can't comment re. the bulb - I'd need to know which bulb & height above your tort.. What is the temp at tort level in the centre of the hot spot ? 

Take qualified advice re. electrics - it seems risky the way you describe it.

Heat 24/7 - no.
It takes time to adapt from inside to outside.

Lettuce is addictive & of no benefit.
You'll find diet advice on this site.


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