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HELP!! what kind of tortoise is this???
Posted: 09/06/2016 by

OK so my friend has a lovely tortoise and isn't looking after it so well (see in pic) I'm going to take it on but need to find out what kind it is so I can give it the best care possible. I've never had a tortoise but I'm really researching everything. Hence why I need to know what kind I'm having. The pictures have been sent to me so any help on habitat food and we'll anything would be much appreciated 

Re: HELP!! what kind of tortoise is this???
Posted: 10/06/2016 by Tom

Hello again Marie,

You now know the species, it's good that you are taking it on, I'm sure you'll do a lot better than the sad conditions in the pics. 

Click on "The Tortoise / …" box & download a Caresheet, when you've digested that - read on !



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