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Help my child wants a pet
Posted: 01/05/2016 by Ryoko

My 6 year old wants a pet tortoise he really likes them but I dont know anything about them and we live in a flat.

I dont mind him having a tortoise as I have OCD and they seem to me, to be cleaner then birds (which is the other thing he keeps going on about).

Do they all need to hibernate?, we live in london on the third floor so no access to outdoor space, what is a tortoise table?  and is it needed in a family home thats kept warm,  how big do they grow? and do they need to hibernate at all if kept indoors? What do they eat my aunt fed hers pellets of somekind and bags of greens, do they need the pellets or can they just live off things like cabbage and spinach? 

Finally are they actually a good pet for a 6 year old, do they carry any diseases or germs that can be passed to children?

Thank you for reading.

Re: Help my child wants a pet
Posted: 01/05/2016 by Tom


1. Your son is far too young.

2. They must have garden access all summer.



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