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Vivarium to tort table
Posted: 03/03/2016 by Tankthetortoise

Hi, I currently have a vivarium set up for my horsefielf tortoise tank. I've had this setup for a year now but I'm currently thinking about changing to a table as i want wat is best for tank, we bought our viv from a reptile shop that claimed that tort tables were bad and instead convinced us to but £500 viv setup with a tort. Should i switch to a viv? And will i be able to fit my current lamp onto a table?

Re: Vivarium to tort table
Posted: 03/03/2016 by Tom


You were 'ripped off ' by the reptile shop, it's common. Which shop was it ?

Make your own 'table' as you need several inches of soil as a substrate, so it needs to be high enough.

Which lamp do you have & how old is it ?


Re: Vivarium to tort table
Posted: 04/03/2016 by Tankthetortoise

It was a shop called cold blooded and yeah I expected so. I think I'd prefer to buy a tortoise table as I'm not very good at making anything at all i don't know what lamp i have but I got it about 8 months ago. 

Re: Vivarium to tort table
Posted: 06/03/2016 by Tom

Then extend the table height to allow for 10cm of soil.

Obtain a 100W Megaray Lamp & a Clamp lamp fitting, Suspend the lamp at 90 degrees.


Re: Vivarium to tort table
Posted: 12/03/2016 by Pip squeak

Hi, the exact same thing happened to us. We went in to the reptile shop fully intending to buy a tortoise table but the guy in there talked us into having a vivarium. We have had our Horsfield tortoise about a month but I would like to move him onto a tortoise table. I'm just wondering if I need to do this gradually as he was a year old when we bought him so all he knows is a vivarium. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Re: Vivarium to tort table
Posted: 03/04/2016 by Tom


I've just seen your post, I thought this one was closed. It's best to start a new post.
Yes just do it [if you haven't already. Horsfields, if healthy, are hardy, although a high proportion of those in the pet trade have problems.



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