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After hibernation?
Posted: 14/02/2016 by

Dear Forum

Apologies for what may be a blatantly obvious question but I have hibernated my 6 year old Herman's for the first time (I acquired them in May last year).  They have been in hibernation 12 weeks and it is time to wake them up.  Once they are out of hibernation would it be best for them to spend the rest of the winter in the indoors enclosure or in the outside tortoise house which has heating and lighting?

Many thanks


Re: After hibernation?
Posted: 14/02/2016 by Tom


At 6yrs it could have 5mths next year, empty out naturally in late Sept. & hibe' mid to late Oct., no heat in the house in Sept'//Oct..

In or out depends on the quality of the insulation & the size & design of the outdoor house. 


Re: After hibernation?
Posted: 16/02/2016 by

Thanks Tom. 


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