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Hibernation weight loss advice please
Posted: 28/12/2015 by George Norman


My five year old Hermanns began his hibernation on the 9th November. I would just like some advice about his weight loss please..... its his first hibe and he's lost 18g so far. I know he can lose 10% of his start weight which would be 70g so all seems well and he looked fine when I checked him over.  My question is, does this weight loss seem ok for the time he's been hibernating (just under 8 weeks)? I was thinking of leaving him another 4 weeks before checking him again?

Thank you.

Re: Hibernation weight loss advice please
Posted: 29/12/2015 by Tom


Yes check in a month. If you've stabilised the temp. to 4C, the wt. loss will now slow down.


Re: Hibernation weight loss advice please
Posted: 29/12/2015 by George Norman

Thank you, that's great. I will leave him then.


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