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help please
Posted: 27/11/2015 by Anitaku

Please could you give me some advice.  My tortoise usually hibernates in his outside house and has done so for at least the last 25 years quite happily.  This year I thought he had settled down, then I found him out on the garden and noticed that there was blood on his straw.  I am not sure whether he was attacked or whether he injured himself knocking his ramp down, (he has the ramp to get into his house as there is a slight step and in the winter I put it up over the entrance).  Now he is still awake, I cleaned him up and sponged off the blood, but he seems reluctant to go into his house now.  I have looked and cannot see any intruders and last night he did venture just inside but tonight he is outside his house on the ramp.  I am really worried and don't know what to do for him.  Any ideas.  Thanks.

Re: help please
Posted: 27/11/2015 by Tom


It is unusually mild at the moment which may explain his behaviour.

You need to have it checked over by a vet. It is dangerous to hibe' an injured tortoise.

If you click on "The Tortoise" box you will find other hibe' methods which are worth considering in the future.


Re: help please
Posted: 28/11/2015 by Anitaku

Thanks Tom appreciate your help.



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