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Posted: 27/10/2015 by jessicafellowes


I am totally new to this.. so hope it's OK to post and ask for some support.

We have two horsefields- think they are just over a year old.. They have been very happy until recently where they have not been waking in the mornings. They are not very active at all unless we get them out and put them under the light.

The seem fine when we get them out and I am just wondering if they are being very lazy as they aren't eating a lot either.

Do they want to hibernate? I wasn't going to? Could they be ill? strange how both of them are acting the same? They just seem very lethargic.. sounds silly as they are tortoises...
ANY ideas would be grateful



Re: hibernation
Posted: 28/10/2015 by Tom

Hello Jess,

It could be an urge to hibe' as you state.
How long have you had them ?
Have you kept weight records ?


Re: hibernation
Posted: 30/10/2015 by jessicafellowes

Hi Tom

Yes we have kept weight records... although I can't lay my hands on them at present...

They are not eating at all now? Been about 5 days.. I wake them up and they just crawl back to bed.. I get them out for a run around the lounge and they just find a quiet place to chill?

Do you think it's a job for the vet? We have had them since July.

Re: hibernation
Posted: 31/10/2015 by Tom

Which UVB lamp are you using Jess ?

Post their weights if you find them svp.

Not good to let them wander in the house.


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