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my tortoise is trying eating anything and everything
Posted: 26/10/2015 by fernlouise91


My tortoise ethel is trying to eat anything and everything, i dont understand this as ethel is well fed she has lots of fresh food with calcium and her pellets aswell. She is 1 and a half years old her shell is perfect and she has plenty of exersise as i let her roam my house on a daily basis she is very energetic. I gave her a bath which she loves and i caught her trying to eat a bath towel when i took her out of the bath. I dont have a reptile vet around here so i was hopeing you would help me to find what is causeing her behavour as i have a 20 year old male tortoise and he just eats what he is ment to.
King regards

Re: my tortoise is trying eating anything and everything
Posted: 26/10/2015 by Tom


Which species ? How long have you had it ?

What food is on offer ?


Re: my tortoise is trying eating anything and everything
Posted: 04/11/2015 by Tom

In the absence of a reply -

Feeding well is what is wanted, not a prob..
Re. towel, just investigating is the reason.
Wandering round house - not recommended.
Pellets - ditto.


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