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My two new baby horsefields are not eating
Posted: 05/09/2015 by Georgette Payne


I recently bought two 10-month-old horsefield tortoises. When we went to buy them they were both really active and healthy and both eating and drinking. However, when we bought them home they became less active and wanting to sleep all day. We have had them 3 days now and they have not eaten anything. They have a substrate mixture of hay, top soil and play sand which they enjoy burrowing in. They also have a UV lamp and heat lamp. We have tried feeding them kale, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, dandelions and weeds, all of which they have turned their noses up at. I would really appreciate any advice as I am a first time owner and although I have done lots of research, many things on the web contradict each over. Thank you

Georgette, Essex

Re: My two new baby horsefields are not eating
Posted: 05/09/2015 by Tom

Hello Georgette,

A few ?s first -

Where did you obtain them ?

What is the temp. at tort. level ?
Can you send pics of your setup please ?
Which "UV light" is it & what %age.


Re: My two new baby horsefields are not eating
Posted: 11/10/2015 by Tom

In the absence of a reply - feed only weeds & flowers.    

99.9% of Horsfields are imported & mostly wild caught, problems (or worse !) are common.   A trip to a vet might help.


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