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Help! My tortoise has gone mad!
Posted: 03/09/2015 by


I have a male horsefield tortoise (Terry) - approx 2.5 yrs old. He lives in a wooden, purpose built tortoise table (the one with the long perspex window in the front).

He is usually very quiet, sleeps all day, eats very little (unless hand fed), happy to be handled (or not!), etc. We put him outside when it is warm (infrequently).

For the last week, he has suddenly started eating loads of food (white cabbage, greens, kale) and spreading it all over his enclosure. Also, we are particularly worried as he has started pacing up and down the little window-side of the enclosure and scratching away non-stop. Literally all day. I know what you are thinking - the window is confusing him! But we knew about this and have covered it up with paper so he cant see through it. It is only in the evening when he goes into his shelter that he stops.

He seems very nervous also - when I put my hand near him he pops his head in and gives out that sniffing sound.

Can anyone help me please?????? My kids are extremely worried!


Re: Help! My tortoise has gone mad!
Posted: 03/09/2015 by Tom

Re: Help! My tortoise has gone mad!
Posted: 03/09/2015 by Tom


First of all, can you state how long you've had it & the type of heat/light & the temperature regime please ?


Re: Help! My tortoise has gone mad!
Posted: 03/09/2015 by

He has a 50w basking heat bulb and a standard uva spiral bulb. We have had him for about 1.5 years

Re: Help! My tortoise has gone mad!
Posted: 04/09/2015 by Tom

Thank you for the reply, 'though you don't give temps..

The 'greens' you are giving it are all unsuitable, as is your heating & lighting. 

What substrate do you use & at what depth ?

Can you send some pics of the indoor & outdoor enclosure please.

I will then be able to give you some advice,

Re: Help! My tortoise has gone mad!
Posted: 09/09/2015 by Tom

In the absence of a reply - 

Re nervous & hissing. This is a sign of two things -

It is wild caught.
It is being handled too much & too roughly.



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