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Molly now hibernated
Posted: 29/11/2008 by tortoise7

Hi everyone

Just wanted to say that Molly went in to the fridge today. Everything went to plan and she seems to have settled down nicely. The only fly in the ointment was that her last bath was on Thursday morning and now I am fretting abit that maybe that was too far away? she did do a poo but there was not any wee's to be seen, so I am taking it that we are fine. Anyway I made that decision and I guess I have to just keep an eye on her. It was a little sad as I said goodbye to her until spring, but half of me wished I was joining her for a 12wk sleep??   I am excited to see her when hibernation is over, as we had a shaky start and didn't really get to know each other very well.
Hopefully you don't get any panicky emails from me over this time... I'll leave them until we come out of hibernation


Re: Molly now hibernated
Posted: 29/11/2008 by tpgAli

Hi Jane,

Well done for taking the plungeClick and drag me down to the editor and im sure Molly will be just fine. I never bath mine just before they are due to go in the fridge and usually bath them a day before or even a few days before, as long as Molly has had the proper wind down then i wouldnt worry and a small poo is nothing to worry about either.

I would suggest that you weigh her throughout her hibernation, i do mine every 10 days or so but you could weigh her every week if you prefer to.

Any queries then please ask away, we are always here to help.




Re: Molly now hibernated
Posted: 29/11/2008 by Joanne

Well done, Jane! You are much braver than I am lol. The thought of hibernation makes me feel sick. I'm sure Molly will be fine throughout her hibernation and will be ready to take on the world when she wakes up :)

Joanne xx

Re: Molly now hibernated
Posted: 29/11/2008 by tortoise7

Thanks Guys- feel more re assured now


Re: Molly now hibernated
Posted: 30/11/2008 by ElaineTPG

Click and drag me down to the editorBIG round of applause for the long awaited poo!Click and drag me down to the editor

Was thinking about you, well done Jane a job very well done! I do hope the wine went down well too as you so deserved it.

Would love to do the hibernation bit myself too, raining here all day Click and drag me down to the editor. Not long to sunny days.

Thanks for sharing this winddown,



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