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Shed for sulcatas
Posted: 16/07/2015 by sulcatalover88

Hi there,

We have 4 sulcatas and up until now we've kept them indoors. However, they're getting to a stage where they need to be outside as they're getting messy. 

We have a shed which is 240cm by 180cm. There are two which are about 8/9 inches in length and two which are about 6 inches in length. Will this shed be big enough and how much do you think it will cost to arrange heating etc?

Re: Shed for sulcatas
Posted: 19/07/2015 by Tom


It is scandalous that the Pet Trade continues to import this species.

I trust that you are wealthy, as in a few years time, they will need a 5 figure sum spending on suitable housing. Add to this a 200 square metre outside enclosure.

As to the cost of heating the shed, it depends on the amount of  insulation - start saving for winter !!



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