You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise General Questions > Breeding

Posted: 17/06/2015 by moonthemove

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forum and have a 5 year old male Hermann tortoise called Mo. I am told that he is of breeding age. I am considering finding him a mate and have been reading up on ways in which to do this. Has anybody got any suggestions? I am relatively new to the tortoise world as he is my first tortoise so all advice is welcome! Thanks so much 

Re: Breeding
Posted: 17/06/2015 by Tom


What is his weight & SLC length please ? 
How long have you had it ?
Where did you get it & what is the "Country of Origin ?

Re "suggestions" do you mean obtaining a mate or breeding ?


Re: Breeding
Posted: 29/06/2015 by jstacey1

Hello I have just registered on here because my tortoise who are only two years old seem to be mating but the female doesn't seem too happy about it.

He basically chases here everywhere nodding his head, then mounts her and begins  squeaking like a mouse. When she ttys to get away he circles her and 'bites'  she now has a red mark on her leg. 
I have separated them for now but have no idea how to deal with this, if I should leave them to it or keep intervening? 
Can anyone advise please?


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