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Posted: 13/06/2015 by Gordon

I am a retired Englishman living in Spain.

I have had my Tortoise Henry for 11 years and he was about 6 when I aquired him.

I would like to attempt to breed him and have been lokking at making my own incubator. Unfortunately, I have been unable to but reliable thermostat, thermometer, hydrometer etc. Thier accuracy is shall we say very por.

So can you advise me on an incubator that will do the job but not break my pension.



Re: Incubators
Posted: 13/06/2015 by Tom

Hello Gordon,

Interesting - does Henry lay eggs ?

Click on "The Tortoise / …" box for info on making an incubator
For good quality thermometers, etc., try Swell Reptiles online. They would probably 'ship' to Spain. 

Good luck,

Re: Incubators
Posted: 14/06/2015 by Gordon

Hi Tom,

Thanks for your reply and advice

No Henry does not lay as I am sure he is a male.

My next question is what species is he.After Reading the books and internet I think I know which species and then look at photos and I am not to sure. Such as front claws 4 and a very small one. Tail scales yes but not large ?????. Thigh spurs yes etc.

He is 17 years old so I have time om my side to find out his heritage.

Thanks again.


Re: Incubators
Posted: 15/06/2015 by Tom

Hello Gordon,

A pleasure, it's rare to be thanked for advice,

Can you post some photos please & I should be able to tell you. There are a number of species with spurs on their thighs.


Re: Incubators
Posted: 16/06/2015 by Gordon

Hello Tomo

Thank you again for your email and the offer to identify Henry.

I will take photos tomorrow and send them. I think I know how but me and electronics do not get on very well. Not the equipments fault but mine.

Best wishes


Re: Incubators
Posted: 18/06/2015 by Gordon

Hi Tom,

I have taken photographs of Henry and they are my laptop.

Unfortunately I cannot send them via the members fórum. Can you send me your email address so that I can send them direct.

If that is OK with you.



Re: Incubators
Posted: 18/06/2015 by Tom

Yes I will send it direct to you Gordon.

Re: Incubators
Posted: 21/06/2015 by Tom

Thanks for the pics Gordon. What is his weight please ? Just to confirm my identification.


Re: Incubators
Posted: 21/06/2015 by Gordon

hi Tom,

His weight is 250grms.

His size is 14.5cm.



Re: Incubators
Posted: 26/06/2015 by Tom

Can you send the pics again please Gordon, I've somehow deleted them. 

Can you also check the weight please, 250gm seems rather low.


Re: Incubators
Posted: 14/07/2015 by Tom

Hello Gordon,

On the basis of his length, Testudo graeca graeca. This species is found in Morocco. There are some small isolated populations in the Iberian Peninsula, probably introduced.

Best wishes,


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