You're in > TPG Members Forum > Diet > bathing

Posted: 30/01/2015 by 19sarah68

Have bathed my new tortoise (no name yet), did not seem to enjoy it one bit!  Did toilet though.  How long should they spend in water to adequately hydrate? He was splashing about for about 10 mins is this ok?  Oh yes, daughter asked me if tortoises ever make noises? I couldn't answer! I don't know! Can anybody help me with this one?

Re: bathing
Posted: 30/01/2015 by Tom

Patience is a virtue.


Re: bathing
Posted: 30/01/2015 by 19sarah68

Appreciate the advice, only reposted on other board due to this being the wrong board! Will try harder to get right one in the future


Re: bathing
Posted: 01/09/2015 by Shantel

Hi, I have 6 tortoises who love having their baths, I bath them every other day for 30 mins - they absolutely love it

All mine got to the toilet while their being bathed, perhaps start with 10 minute baths, they will soon get to enjoy it xx


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