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Chosing the right indoor and outdoor housing
Posted: 27/01/2015 by kedenham

Hi all,


I am preparing to get my first tortoise. I have done lots ofresearch but I still have a few outstanding questions:


·        As is it our first tortoise – is there aparticular breed that is easier/hardier and what age would be better? I wasthinking of a 3-5 year old horsfield but would a Hermann be better?

·        I am going to have a tortoise table indoors anda separate enclosure outdoors as recommended:

o   Forbritish weather how often is it OK for the tortoise to be outside? Does theoutdoor accommodation need to be heated? We have a southwest facing garden.

o   InLondon, is it safe for the tortoise to be outside overnight due to foxes?

o   Theindoor tortoise table would be in our kitchen extension which can be almostgreenhouse like in some weather, will this be too warm?

·        The accommodation I was thinking of getting was thisand thisin the biggest size.

o   Whatsize of indoor and outdoor enclosure would be needed for a five year oldtortoise, to allow for some growth over the next five years?

o   Forthe outdoor enclosure – is it possible to have a door so that he can get outinto the wider garden and roam when we are in the garden, or is this toodangerous (worried about hawks etc.)

·        With sufficient food and water, can a tortoisebe left alone for the weekend or not?

·        Is it bad for the tortoise if you paint thetortoise table/outdoor enclosure? Is any particular paint better?




Really looking forward to it and just want to make sure weget the absolute right set up.

Re: Chosing the right indoor and outdoor housing
Posted: 30/01/2015 by Tom

Hello K,

Avoid Horsfields. 
Hermann's or Spur-thighed are best but from a breeder, not a pet dealer. See box on L. "Buying a Tortoise"
(Centre = shop / dealer.

You are unlikely to get a 3-5yr tort. from a breeder. Very young torts from a breeder are a delight to have.

o Outside when it's 'nice' weather, with shade available.
    A mini poly-tunnel is useful.

o We often have foxes in the garden & no prob. in 40+ years. Others report deaths.

o If v. warm the tort will be outside ?

I'll look at your enclosures later & reply.

A 5yr old needs at least 15sqm, wooden sided. A 1st yr tort needs a small table, say 60 x 40 x 18cm high. Start small & increase as it grows.

o No - don't allow outside the enclosure, it's unkind. They become unsettled in their own encl. & keep trying to escape.
Re hawks - which species are in your area? The crow family are a poss. prob . for sm. torts., so wire netting on top of enclosure when small.

With captive animals it's best to have a 'checker'. 

You would need to find a safe paint.

TPG Caresheets are available - click "The Tortoise /..." box.


Re: Chosing the right indoor and outdoor housing
Posted: 30/01/2015 by Tom

I've looked at the items you were thinking of buying -

The £99 'table' on Ebay is poorly designed & v. expensive. (And far too small for a 5yr old.)
A plastic u'bed store box with brown "Fablon" on the inside of the walls is better & costs v. little.

Similarly the outside enclosure is expensive. You just need some 15 x 3cm timber, nailed together. Wire ( from some £1 shops) can be loose, held down with 2 half bricks, cost - below £10.



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