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Posted: 21/11/2008 by imfromwales

I have noticed Ed's poop is brown - similar to human (obviously a lot smaller!). I thought tortoises poop was meant to be like white pellet kind?

Ive noticed a few of the white pellet kinds around but starting to notice the brown now. An image is below.

Can someone please help?


Re: poop
Posted: 21/11/2008 by imfromwales

forgot to post the image!

Click the link:

Re: poop
Posted: 21/11/2008 by tpgadmin

I'm afraid the link doesn't work for me:-(

Tortoise poop is usually a browny colour though and not white pellets.


Re: poop
Posted: 21/11/2008 by imfromwales

Copy and past the link into your browser and the image will be displayed.

Oh good, i always thought it was white pellets for some reason?!


Re: poop
Posted: 21/11/2008 by tpgadmin

It looks OK to me .

I'm not sure what you've been seeing as white pellets - could it be very hard urates that are expelled during urination? If it is this is a sign that your tortoise may be dehydrated.


Re: poop
Posted: 21/11/2008 by ElaineTPG

I have had a look and i do think this is the urates that have been drained through the substrate then dried in the heat. If at all gritty give daily bathes, the poop does look rather light in colour are you providing a good amount of weeds in the diet and not too much fancier stuff.


ElaineClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: poop
Posted: 25/11/2008 by imfromwales

yes - thats all i can provide weeds. I do not know the 'fancier' stuff. What is the more fancier stuff?

Re: poop
Posted: 26/11/2008 by tpgNina

Hi Antonio,

If you are providing a good variety of weeds and flowers then Ed will be fine. I think maybe by 'fancier stuff' Elaine meant some of the things that people call 'treats' but which are not good for tortoises (various types of fruit, or 'tortoise pellets' etc.). Weeds is just what he needs, so you are doing fine.

I do think that if you are seeing white pellets coming out of him (not just white liquid urates that have dried up) then he could be dehydrated, as Helen said. Feed him his weeds really wet, and also make sure he is getting regular baths (say, every day or every other day in warm water up to the point where the top of his shell meets the bottom -- or to his chin). If he poos and wees in the water, then the poo will be the brown pellets we have described, like the one in your photo, and the urates will come out with the wee and should look like anything from egg whites to toothpaste -- but not hard or gritty.


Re: poop
Posted: 26/11/2008 by ElaineTPG

That's exactly what I meant Nina. Many keepers think they are doing good by offering salad stuff or 'treats' of fruit but all it does as you know is upset the gut flora. You can't get a finer diet for torts than weeds and tort safe flowers. Keep up the good work Antonio!

Sorry for the confusion Elaine


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